• Register Your Business

    Please provide all required details to register your business with us
  • Information about Directors

    Please add directors below
  • Information about UBO & Shareholders

    Please add information of UBO and Shareholders with more than 10%
  • By filling out this questionnaire, I confirm that:

    1. The information provided in this questionnaire is true, complete, and accurate and I undertake to immediately notify Moonable UAB, in writing, of any change in the information provided by me, in this questionnaire. I confirm that I am the owner of the funds in the accounts opened in my name and that I am not planning to perform any transactions on behalf of the third persons and/or to hold third persons' funds in the accounts opened in my name. I undertake to immediately notify Moonable UAB, in writing, of any intentions to perform transactions on behalf of the third persons and/or to hold third persons' funds in the accounts opened in my name.

    2. I have read and agreed to the OTC Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy of Moonable UAB.

    3. I explicitly consent to open a corporate account in accordance with the read Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and related personal data processing and usage of Moonable UAB.

    4. I consent to the application of the European Union and Lithuanian legislation to undergo the identification process.

  • Should be Empty: